III International Symposium on
the Ancient Maya in Japan:
Recent Interdisciplinary Research in
Maya Archaeology
III International Symposium on the Ancient Maya in Japan:
Recent Interdisciplinary Research in
Maya Archaeology
13 (Fri./Vie.):
10:30-10:45: Opening / Inauguración
Kunihiro Morishima, Seiichi Nakamura, Akira Ichikawa,
Nobuko Kitagawa, Mitsuaki Kuno, Yuta Manabe, Kotaro Hikata,
Ami Sakakibara & Akira Nishio
Non-destructive Imaging of Maya Temple with Cosmic-ray Muons: Research Project at Copan in Honduras
(Talk in Japanese)
Seiichi Nakamura
Unraveling the Copan Dynasty:
A New Perspective on Copan’s Early Classic Period as seen through the Latest Research (Talk in Japanese)
12:45-14:00: Lunch / Almuerzo
Akira Ichikawa
A Letter from Chalchuapa: Reassessing Kaminaljuyú Chronology and Social Processes in Southern Mayan Area through Radiocarbon Dating
(Talk in Japanese)
Yoshiyuki Iizuka, Tomás Barrientos, Andrea Sandoval,
Pablo Estrada & Shintaro Suzuki
Non-Invasive Chemical Investigation on Stone Artifacts in Ancient Guatemala
(Talk in Japanese)
16:00-16:15: Break
Kazuo Aoyama
Microwear Analysis of Lithic Artifacts and pXRF Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts from Ceibal, Guatemala
(Talk in Japanese)
17:30-18:30: Discussions / Discusiones
14 (Sat./Sab.):
Carolyn Freiwald & T. Douglas Price
Isotopes, Residential Histories, and Migration in Mesoamerica
(Talk in English)
Vera Tiesler
Feeding the Gods in Eastern Mesoamerica:
The Bioarchaeology of Human Sacrifice and Related Forms of Ritual Body Processing
(Talk in English)
12:30-14:00: Lunch / Almuerzo
Visit to the Archaeological Museum at the Okayama University
Tour por el Museo de arqueología en la Universidad de Okayama
Shintaro Suzuki
Regional Bioarchaeology on the Southeastern Borderland of the Maya Area:
Migration and Warfare
(Talk in Japanese)
Héctor Mejía
Rescuing the Past:
Salvage Archeology as an Instrument for Scientific Research
(Rescatando el pasado:la arqueología de rescate como un instrumento para la investigación)
(Talk in Spanish)
16:15-16:30: Break
Marcello Canuto
Lidar Technology and the Classic Period Population of the Maya Lowlands:
New Data, New Challenges
(Talk in English)
18:00-19:00: Discussions / Discusiones
15 (Sun./Dom.):
Tomás Barrientos
The Development of Maya Archaeology: Two Hundred Years of Research
(El desarrollo de la arqueología Maya: Doscientos años de investigaciones)
(Talk in Spanish)
Boris Beltran
The Mural Paintings from San Bartolo, Guatemala:
Discovery and Strategies for Preservation
(Descubrimiento de la pintura mural de San Bartolo y su estrategia de conservación)
(Talk in Spanish)
15:30-16:00: Break
Felix Kupprat
An Archaeology of Communication: Approaching Maya Hieroglyphic Texts
(Una arqueología de la comunicación: los alcances del estudio de los textos jeroglíficos mayas)
(Talk in Spanish)
17:30-18:30: Q & A and Closing / Sesión de preguntas y clausura